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Minute Man, a New Bike Trail at Pajarito, Debuts at ULLRfest

Get Ready for Minute Man!

The Pajarito trail crew has been working hard on a new hand-cut trail, Minuteman, made for intermediate riders. It’s got quite a bit less jank than the typical Paja run and is definitely suitable for a wider skill range than most of the trails. We are stoked to have it open for ULLR fest this weekend. It can be accessed from either JR or Sidewinder and comes back into the end of Air Raid in the woods. Come help us ride it in on Saturday and enjoy the festivities afterward!

Minuteman allows you to ride lower Air Raid and all of Battle Stations without having to ride the much more difficult upper section of Air Raid that is very rocky and loose.  It makes this route more of an advanced intermediate (blue/black) trail rather than a fully expert (black or double black) trail like the rest of the black trails at Pajarito.

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